Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pet Peeves and What REALLY Pisses me off

   I have many pet peeves. I'm aware of my pet peeves. But usually I can get over my pet peeves if someone does them. One I do get pissed off about is when someone puts things on my desk and clutters it up when I specifically say not to. And putting things in my desk chair instead is no better. To me, that just means you're being an ass and looking for a fight.
   No, my pet peeves I can usually overlook and ignore. I have three younger siblings who are all aware of what irritates me. I've had to more or less learn to overlook my pet peeves. But one thing that really pisses me off is when someone is mad at me and ends up taking it out on my siblings.
   It is a crime I cannot forgive. Especially if they go after my youngest sister. She's autistic and only 13-- younger mentally. I've had this happen recently. Someone was mad at me and went upstairs where they told my youngest sister that I was angry at her because she kept interrupting my show on the TV. Now my youngest sister wanted to ask me but couldn't. You see, it was past her bedtime and the deal is that she can watch TV as long as she doesn't come back downstairs after her bedtime. So she stayed upstairs. Hours later, I came upstairs to go to bed. I have to go through her room to get to mine.
   She sat up and asked me in a quivering voice if I was mad at her. I was stunned. It felt as if someone had slapped me across my face. I had never heard my sister have that tone before when she asks if I am mad at her. I quickly reassured her I wasn't mad and asked her why in the world she would think that I was.
   And that was when she told me. That someone told her I was angry at her about the TV when I was actually angry at them.

   What kind of person would tell a 13 year old autistic girl that their oldest sister was angry at her over a TV? What kind of person would say that and hurt a little girl just to spite me? One that has lost all my respect, that's for damn sure. It's an unforgivable crime in my eyes. My youngest sister and I have a rough time getting along as it is. I try to get close to her and often times she pushes me away yet she torments me for attention. We've been getting closer lately-- and suddenly that someone does this, forcing her to wait hours before I come upstairs to reassure her that it wasn't her I was angry at. Had I know she had said this I would have fixed it sooner but I had been completely unaware. Thankfully, my little sister knows I'm not and was never upset at her and has been more than happy to watch Soul Eater with me today. She loves the series now.
   And there is no way that it was an "accident" as so many other things this someone has been playing off other situations. The fact is that they were angry and they opened their big mouth when they should have kept it shut and my little sister ended up upset because of it and now I'm pissed off.
   To degrade me, pick on me, and torment me is one thing... But to go after any of my siblings is a completely different thing and once someone does that, friend or not, they are an enemy from then on. Are some people really so desperate to feel like a 'big' person that they'll upset a child? A disabled child at that? I'm disgusted! When I upset her when we fight is one thing. We're siblings. All my siblings and I have fought at one point or another. We all know that in the end we'll come to terms with everything and always love each other and have one another's backs. No matter what we'll always be there for each other. But for someone not even related to her and older than my 20 years to do something like this... Disgusted doesn't even begin to describe my feelings.

   So to that someone... I hope you are happy. You've ruined our friendship and upset an autistic 13 year old girl and made an enemy of a 20 year old writer and probably other members of my family. I hope karma comes back and bites you hard on the ass one day.

   That's the end of my rant and Gods help anyone else that ever angers me through upsetting my siblings in any way,

- Siddy

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