Thursday, October 28, 2010

Outlining Madness

   So these last ten days or so have been filled with me doing almost nothing other than outlining. It's gotten to the point where my friends are bribing me with good role-plays if I reach a specific word count or point in my outline, but now I'm on the ball and writing like crazy. I was also a little worried about outlining my story too but I finally (FINALLY) found a way to outline that works for me.
   My parents gave me a new laptop for my birthday so my goal of 75,000 stands strong. And I mean out-of-the-box-exactly-the-model-I-wanted-brand-new new. Of course, silly (or crazy) me has named it and is drawing up what it looks like as a human. Hee~ It helps to do that when I end up working with it for hours on end. Either way, I want to give a quick shout out to them and tell everybody about how awesomely amazing my parents are and how they are the greatest and best parents in the world. I couldn't have parents any better than them.
   I'm already used to the keyboard and I've been putting the battery life to the rest and such. It's perfect. If it wasn't for my parents, I wouldn't be able to get this close to my dream. Thank you both for supporting me. Without you guys, my dreams would be hopelessly out of my reach.

   Either way, I hit the middle point of my outline, so once I finish eating, do a little bit more cleaning and take a shower to wake myself back up (I was up early after a late night so staying awake is proving difficult) it will be back to outlining.
   NaNoWriMo, ready or not, here I come!

- Siddy